Sunday, March 15, 2009

Network Marketing Bootcamp

This past week I have been taking part in an intensive 'Bootcamp' training course on Internet-based network marketing. I have been actively using social media sites and Web 2.0 for over a year, yet now I realize I had only scratched the surface. The Bootcamp is based on a popular marketing system that can be a key ingredient towards achieving success in network marketing. I have joined more social networks (some that I hadn't heard of before), placed classified ads, built an email list, worked on 'social marketing' and more. The mechanics and technical details can be somewhat challenging, yet the most important factor is mindset; you have to be very persistent, patient, and get out of your 'comfort zone'. The majority of people who get into network marketing (or multi-level marketing, MLM) are not successful partly because they give up too easily, but also due to a lack of training. Sales is a very difficult skill to master - most of us were not born with it. The common stereotype about salespeople is often rather negative; they are thought of as pushy, selfish, not attentive to your needs or questions, etc. One of the big eye-openers in my learning process has been that this stereotype comes from being exposed to people who are in sales yet don't really know what they are doing. The most fundamental concepts in real professional sales are focusing on the needs of your target market, and selling yourself. Building relationships is critical, so people then want to hear about your business or expertise. The term 'Attraction Marketing' encompasses all of these; this concept made me much more comfortable with the whole idea of sales, and one of the most important attributes that people who are very successful in any business have in common. I still have a lot to learn - stay tuned for the next installment!.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Zen of Tennis

Recently I was fortunate to see Roger Federer play in the semi-finals at the US Open. I have been an avid tennis player and fan for most of my life, so seeing the guy who is probably the best player ever in person (a 40th birthday idea from my wife), was absolutely incredible. Federer was playing against Novak Djokovic, another excellent player. In contrast to watching on TV, you get a palpable sense of the speed of the players and the ball, the angles and strategy - just amazing. I find it inspiring - sometimes I would think 'wow, that's a perfect example of how to hit a tennis ball'. Other times it was more like 'how did he hit that - unbelievable!' Federer eventually won in a hard-fought 4 set match.
I subscribe to a website that has videos of all the top players, filmed at ultra high-speed and shown in super slow motion so you can see every nuance of their technique. I have also done some teaching; any amateur can learn a great deal from watching all of these top professional players, yet the videos of Federer show classic tennis strokes executed to virtual perfection. When viewed in slow motion, you can clearly see the way he holds the racquet and hits the ball; his shots are smooth and uncomplicated, pretty much the same as you would teach an intermediate player.
Other players have shots that may have a little more spin or speed, yet they all have some little quirk in their motion. Their shots work well for them because they have put in years and years of repetitive practice, yet for most amateurs Federer is the best model for learning, and will improve more quickly by emulating him. Along with his flawless technique, he has tremendous power, speed and variety; combine all this and you can see why he is one of the all-time greats. It is unlikely that anyone else will be able to match his overall game, yet the process of learning and improving is exciting.
Network marketing is similar in that most people fail because they are taught in ways that will only work for a small number of people. In order to succeed, you need a system and technique that is easily duplicated by most people. It is also important to learn from a mentor, someone who has achieved success and is willing to share their knowledge.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Earn and Save Online

Tips and resources for earning and saving money on the Internet